Poznań, June 27-29, 2016
27-29 June, 2016, Poznań, Poland
Polish Electron Magnetic Resonance Group (PG EMR), brings together national research centers and researchers whose activity is mainly focused at EMR/EPR spectroscopy. One of the most important task of the Group is to organize scientific meetings such as the biennial Forum EMR-PL. The previous conferences were held with success in Rzeszów (2010), Czestochowa–Hucisko (2012) and Kraków (2014). Fourth Forum is organized by Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University and will take place at the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań-Morasko. The three-days program will include plenary lectures, lectures and a poster session. The Forum, besides being a scientific integration platform and a perfect opportunity to extend the scientific collaboration, is also a good chance to form close friendships.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Council of the Polish EMR Group (PG EMR), we are honored to invite you to take part in the Fourth Forum EMR-PL, which will be held during June 27 – 29, 2016 in Poznań.
Wojciech Kempiński
Chairman of the Organizing Committee – IMP PAS
Ryszard Krzyminiewski
Chairman of the Organizing Committee – FP AMU
Czesław Rudowicz
Chairman of the PG EMR
History of the previous meetings
- Rzeszów, Poland2010
- Częstochowa, Poland2012
- Kraków, Poland2014